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- RACE: ASIAN . ( Chinese Father , Korean Mother .)
- SEX: TRANSGENDER ( Male to female )
- AGE: 25
- D.O.B: 1997 / 05 / 22
- HEIGHT: 5'4
- HAIR COLOR: BLACK (raven like.)

Background:Born in Wugang, Hunan... Shen Qing came from a family of a Chinese single father who was left a burden to take care of this child whereas her mother ( Korean ) died when she was just a young child.Nights over nights, Shen would be left at the nighbors so he would go out drinking and gambling with his friends. Yet, the neighborly stayovers were nothing close to warm and cuddly. They were rather disgusting. Despite the neighbor having a lovely family, it didn't quench his thirst nor dull his sick desires in attempting to sexually assualt 8 year old Qing. She was always picked up by her father quivering, shaking or crying and the neighbor would give excuses such as "one of the kids might have hurt him". ( him being Shen when she was still biologically a male ). At first, Shen was scared to tell her father due to the neighbor's threats of killing her and her dad but she finally spoke up after two years of this mental and physical abuse. Unfortunately, her father's response was as arrogant as expected: Stay at home then and stop fucking complaining.So, she did. She stayed at home, raised herself by herself. Did everything for herself. barely saw her drunkard bastard of a father and when she did, fights would happen over the years. Over the years, she began noticing the feminine traits and mannerisms bloom. She began recalling all the memories of not fitting in amongst friends at school without really understanding why, or when she would avoid thinking or talking about her gender out of fear, shame, or confusion. Trying to repress was very painful and damaging to her emotional and mental health.When she had the courage to admit to herself , it took a lot out of her. Cries and silent sobs. She couldn't afford therapy nor would her father pay for it. When she came out to her father...a huge fight broke out. He tried to "beat it out of her". Quiet literally. At first, she couldn't fight back, scars and bruises would taint her skin. At the age of eighteen, she finally fought back. Blood for blood and got kicked out of the house. Shen stayed at a friend's house until she finished highschool, attended a public university to study photography. Worked two part times , one being photographing and the other was in a cafe in order to afford a studio beside her university.At the age twenty, she got an offer to work as a photographer for "HYBE" in Seoul - South Korea, doing personal photoshoots for the BTS boys. By 22 , she was able to afford a top surgery for implants. hair growth or removal treatments. hormone therapy. she thankfully didn't have to change much about her face structure or the rest of her body ( aside from her genitals ) since she was already feminine and soft looking.

- Shen tends to wear tomboy baggy clothes mainly because she likes that attire but also to hide her bruises and scars on the days where she is less confident than other days.- She is rather body-conscious and insecure about how her body looks some of the times.- Her mannerisms could come off as a tsundere around everyone , with exceptions to those close to her and those she likes. She comes off as cold but she's like a pup or kitten around those close to her heart.- She has done top surgery, but didn't have her chest be big. Rather small breasts as she likes them that way. But has not gone over lower body surgery, so she still has male genetalia.- Her favorite food is Sushi, pizza, pickles, etc.- Her favorite drinks are strawberry frap, iced americano, strawberry and cherry juice.- diagnosed with generalized anxiety so she doesn't like crowds nor crowded parties. She'd rather stay in, eat and play video games.- her love for photography started from a very young age where she would find beauty in simple things and would capture them by drawings, then by phone then by vintage cameras for she liked polaroids. she found love in capturing moments, in her mind ,, in that way,, they would never die or age.- she hums if she is eating something she likes.- can't sing for shit but that doesn't stop her from singing.- Sword-fighting enthusiast. Still training. But owns a non-lisenced sword that she hides in a shape of an umbrella which she carries on her back by a strap at all times. It gives her self-satisfaction that she could protect herself unlike when she was younger , helpless, and weak.- rather feisty with a temper at times, but when she loves.. she loves with her whole. tends to wear her heart on her sleeve.- would stop on the street if some kids are playing football to play with or take pictures. if there is a chubby baby, she will get up and squish their cheeks after asking permission since she simply can't help herself.- loves hiphop , rap, rock ( oldies mostly ), and classical music.- has a habit of sucking her thumb , or having her thumb in her mouth during sleep as she used to do when she was a baby since it calms her down and helps her fall asleep.- she can rap quiet decently.- she refuses help but not because she doesn’t appreciate it , on the contrary , it’s simply because she couldn’t bring herself to believe that the person trying to help won’t make her want to trust them only to take advantage of her later in whatever way.- she is scared of love, so if she does fall for someone, she might begin to distance herself at first.- she can do a couple of magic tricks, but is still learning.- at some point, after her mother’s early death — she began resorting to drugs. heavy chemical drugs. after a while, she met someone that helped her purify her body and mainly focused on smoking marijuana instead.- her alcoholic tendencies get worse depending on the nights she goes through.

Her psychic abilities and clairvoyance were always a secret kept between herself and never discussed or even delved into. All she knows until now she that she could sense a supernatural , unordinary aura on a heightened level. she could sense if there is something unnatural and weird going on . . spirits or ghosts from a very young age but she was too scared to tell anyone. In fear her father would think she was crazy and she would be sent to an asylum instead of kicked out.

1) What does it mean to be transgender?Transgender people are people whose gender identity is different from the gender they were thought to be at birth. “Trans” is often used as shorthand for transgender.When we're born, a doctor usually says that we're male or female based on what our bodies look like. Most people who were labeled male at birth turn out to actually identify as men, and most people who were labeled female at birth grow up to be women. But some people's gender identity – their innate knowledge of who they are – is different from what was initially expected when they were born. Most of these people describe themselves as transgender.A transgender woman lives as a woman today, but was thought to be male when she was born. A transgender man lives as a man today, but was thought to be female when he was born. Some transgender people identify as neither male nor female, or as a combination of male and female. There are a variety of terms that people who aren't entirely male or entirely female use to describe their gender identity, like non-binary or genderqueer.Everyone—transgender or not—has a gender identity. Most people never think about what their gender identity is because it matches their sex at birth.Being transgender means different things to different people. Like a lot of other aspects of who people are, like race or religion, there's no one way to be transgender, and no one way for transgender people to look or feel about themselves. The best way to understand what being transgender is like is to talk with transgender people and listen to their stories.2) Why is transgender equality important?
Transgender people should be treated with the same dignity and respect as anyone else and be able to live, and be respected, according to their gender identity. But transgender people often face serious discrimination and mistreatment at work, school, and in their families and communities.
For example, transgender people are more likely to:- Be fired or denied a job
- Face harassment and bullying at school
- Become homeless or live in extreme poverty
- Be evicted or denied housing or access to a shelter
- Be denied access to critical medical care
- Be incarcerated or targeted by law enforcement
- Face abuse and violence
Living without fear of discrimination and violence and being supported and affirmed in being who they are is critical for allowing transgender people to live healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives. In recent years, laws, policies and attitudes around the country have changed significantly, allowing more transgender people than ever to live fuller, safer, and healthier lives.The transgender movement is part of a long tradition of social justice movements of people working together to claim their civil rights and better opportunities in this country. These challenges are connected. Discrimination that transgender people of color face is compounded by racism, and lower-income transgender people face economic challenges and classism.3) TRANSGENDER FLAG: